Monday, June 12, 2023

Dr. Stone: New World. A Review of the Best Sci-Fi Anime | VizuReview

Welcome to VizuReview, the leading otaku site for anime reviews and previews. Today, we're excited to bring you a review of one of the best sci-fi anime to come out recently - Dr. Stone. This anime has taken the genre by storm with its unique storyline and thrilling action sequences that have captivated audiences worldwide. In this review, we'll take a closer look at the plot, characters, sci-fi genre, world, action, adventure, animation, soundtrack, reception, and popularity of Dr. Stone. So, sit back, relax, and let's delve into this fascinating anime.

Step into a new world with Dr. Stone, the best sci-fi anime of the season. Read our review on VizuReview, the leading otaku site for all things anime

Plot and Characters of Dr. Stone

Dr. Stone is a sci-fi anime that focuses on science and the survival of humanity after a mysterious event turns every human on Earth into stone. The main character, Senkuu Ishigami, is a genius scientist who wakes up thousands of years later and sets out to revive the human population by using his knowledge of science and technology.

The plot of Dr. Stone is unique compared to other sci-fi anime in that it revolves around science and the rebuilding of society. The anime has a strong educational aspect that teaches viewers about chemistry, physics, and other scientific concepts.

The supporting characters in Dr. Stone are just as important as the main character. Ryuusui Nanami, for example, is a wealthy entrepreneur who uses his business skills to help Senkuu with his plans. Taiju Oki, on the other hand, is a skilled fighter who uses his physical abilities to protect the group.

What sets Dr. Stone apart from other anime is its focus on science and the importance of knowledge and education. The anime showcases the power of science and how it can be used to improve our lives and society as a whole.

The Sci-Fi Genre in Dr. Stone

Dr. Stone is a sci-fi anime that delves deep into the scientific genre. It is a breath of fresh air in a market that is saturated with action-based anime. The show is all about science, from the very first episode to the last.

The unique focus on science makes Dr. Stone stand out from other sci-fi animes. The main character, Senkuu Ishigami, is a genius with a vast knowledge of science. He uses this knowledge to bring the world back to life after a global catastrophe turned humanity into stone. The show has a balance between the fantastical and the scientific, making it a hit among sci-fi fans.

Dr. Stone's mix of science-fiction and shounen elements have resulted in a unique blend that sets the anime apart from other shows in the genre. The show's focus on science and technology, and the use of scientific knowledge and methods in the story, makes it appealing to audiences seeking a more intellectual side of entertainment.

The Role of Science in Dr. Stone

The scientific aspects of Dr. Stone are not just window dressing, but are incorporated deeply into the plot and character development. The characters use science to solve problems, which adds a sense of realism to the story. Not only does the show teach viewers about science, but it also shows how scientific knowledge can be used to improve lives. The narrative also touches on the ethical questions of science, such as the responsibility that comes with having a vast knowledge of science.

Dr. Stone's portrayal of science and its importance in society has led to the appreciation of science among younger viewers. The show's emphasis on scientific inquiry and its use in problem-solving may even inspire some of the viewers to explore science in more detail. In this way, Dr. Stone's appeal goes beyond just those who love sci-fi, expanding to a broader audience.

The World of Dr. Stone

The world of Dr. Stone is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth where humanity was mysteriously petrified for thousands of years. The anime is unique, as it focuses heavily on science and technology, exploring how humanity can rebuild civilization from scratch. The story is set in a lush, verdant world where the characters use their knowledge of science to revive petrified humans, create advanced technologies and battle against enemies who seek to use science for nefarious purposes.

The world-building is a major strength of Dr. Stone, as the anime creates a fascinating and intricate universe with a rich history and lore. The show features an incredibly diverse range of settings, from dense forests to expansive beaches and imposing mountains. The variety of environments serves to highlight the versatility and resourcefulness of the characters, making for some mesmerizing visuals.

The Science Behind the World

One of the most intriguing aspects of Dr. Stone is the detailed focus on science, with the anime using real-world scientific concepts and techniques to create its universe. The characters use their knowledge of chemistry, physics, and biology to craft weapons, tools and machines to help them survive and thrive in the new world. The anime's extensive focus on science offers an educational and engaging viewing experience, as viewers can learn about various scientific principles in a fun and accessible way.

ScienceExamples in Dr. Stone
ChemistryThe characters use chemistry to create gunpowder, acid, and a variety of other substances to aid them in their pursuits.
PhysicsSenkuu uses physics to create a generator and light bulbs, which help him to create a technological revolution in the new world.
BiologyThe characters use their knowledge of biology to create effective medicines and to revive petrified humans.

The anime deftly blends fantastical elements with real-world science, making it a unique and exciting entry in the sci-fi genre.

Action and Adventure in Dr. Stone

The sci-fi anime genre is known for its incredible action and adventure, and Dr. Stone is no exception. From the very first episode, the anime sets the stage for an epic journey full of twists and turns, as Senkuu and his new friends explore the unknown world around them.

But what sets Dr. Stone apart is the unique focus on science and technology within the action and adventure. With each new discovery, the characters uncover more about the world and develop new strategies for survival and exploration.

This anime also falls under the shounen category, meaning it targets a younger male audience. This genre is characterized by its intense action scenes, often featuring battles between powerful characters. Dr. Stone does not disappoint with its action sequences, showcasing the characters' strengths and weaknesses in creative and exciting ways.

One particularly exciting aspect of Dr. Stone is the ongoing conflict between Senkuu and Tsukasa. Tsukasa represents the physical strength and power of the Stone Age, while Senkuu represents the ingenuity and intellect of the modern age. The clash between these two ideologies leads to some truly thrilling moments and leaves viewers on the edge of their seats.

Animation and Soundtrack of Dr. Stone

The animation and soundtrack of Dr. Stone are top-notch, adding to the overall quality of the anime. The vivid and detailed animation brings the characters and their scientific experiments to life, creating a visually stunning and engaging experience for viewers.

The soundtrack perfectly complements the animation, enhancing the emotions and action of each scene. The opening theme song, "Good Morning World!" by Burnout Syndromes, is a catchy and upbeat tune that sets the tone for the optimistic and adventurous nature of the anime. Meanwhile, the ending theme song, "Life" by Rude-α, is a heartfelt and emotional ballad that captures the deeper themes and character moments of the series.

Overall, the animation and soundtrack elevate Dr. Stone to a whole new level and contribute to its success as one of the best sci-fi anime of recent times.

Reception of Dr. Stone

Since its release, Dr. Stone has received critical acclaim from both fans and critics alike. The unique storyline that revolves around science has managed to capture the attention of a niche audience. The anime has managed to stand out from the rest of the shounen titles and has made a name for itself in the sci-fi genre.

The portrayal of the characters and their skills has been lauded as well. Fans have appreciated the smart yet quirky characterizations of Senkuu and Ryuusui. Their contributions to the plot have not only made the story interesting but also educational for some viewers.

The animation and soundtrack of Dr. Stone have also been well received. The colorful animation, along with the catchy opening and ending themes, adds to the overall viewing experience. The unique sound effects used to depict the scientific experiments add an element of realism to the anime.

"Dr. Stone is a refreshing change from the usual shounen titles we see in the anime world. The focus on science and the intellectual battles between characters make it an engaging watch." - VizuReview

Overall, Dr. Stone has managed to make a mark in the anime industry with its unique plot, characters, animation, and soundtrack. It has received a positive reception and is definitely worth a watch for those interested in the sci-fi genre.

Dr. Stone Merchandise and Popularity

As one of the most popular anime series in recent years, it comes as no surprise that Dr. Stone has spawned a wide range of merchandise. Fans of the show can find a plethora of items to satisfy their fandom, from keychains and plushies to clothing and even replica props.

One of the most popular items is the Senkuu Ishigami T-shirt, which features the brilliant scientist and main character of the series. Another highly sought after item is the Dr. Stone manga, which has been adapted into an anime but continues to be a top seller in its original form.

But it's not just about merchandise. Dr. Stone has also gained popularity in the cosplay community, with many fans creating their own costumes inspired by the characters in the show. You can find photos and videos of these impressive cosplays all over social media.

Overall, Dr. Stone's popularity has only continued to grow, thanks in part to its unique premise and engaging characters. With a second season on the way, it's clear that fans can't get enough of this sci-fi anime.

Final Thoughts on Dr. Stone

In conclusion, Dr. Stone is a must-watch for all sci-fi anime enthusiasts and shounen fans. The anime's unique concept of rebuilding human civilization through science sets it apart from other shows in the same genre. The characters' skillful contributions to the plot and their growing relationships keep viewers engaged throughout the series.

Furthermore, the animation and soundtrack are top-notch, creating an immersive experience for viewers. The world-building is well-crafted, and the action and adventure elements of the show are thrilling. Dr. Stone's reception has been overwhelmingly positive, and it's easy to see why.

Dr. Stone's Themes on Science and Civilization

One of the most significant aspects of Dr. Stone is its exploration of science and civilization. The show highlights the importance of science in human progress and the impact of technology on society. Through its characters, Dr. Stone encourages viewers to think critically about the implications of scientific advancement and the balance between progress and tradition.

Overall, Dr. Stone is a thoughtful and thought-provoking anime that is well worth the watch. With its engaging plot, intriguing characters, and thematic focus, it's no wonder that Dr. Stone has become a fan favorite in the sci-fi anime genre.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Indonesian Food Recipes: Gado Gado (Indonesian Salad With Peanut Sauce)

Gado Gado is one of Indonesian food in the form of vegetables boiled and mixed together, with spices or peanut sauce mashed with egg slices and on top sprinkled with fried onions, fried emping and shrimp crackers.

Gado-Gado can be eaten like a salad with spices / peanut sauce, but can also be eaten with rice.

• Tofu chinese 150 grams
• Tempe 150 grams
• Cab 150 grams, remove the bone and thinly sliced and smooth
• Taoge 150 grams, remove the root part
• Long beans 150 grams, cut into pieces about 2 cm and then boiled until cooked
• Curly lettuce leaves, sliced 2 cm
• Boiled 3 egg chicken eggs, peel the skin and then split into 2 parts
• Cucumber 1 piece, peeled and sliced round
• Red tomatoes 1 piece, cut into longitudes
• Cooking oil sufficiently to fry
• Clean enough water to brew and boil

Ingredients for making peanut sauce:
• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
• 5 cloves of garlic, puree
• 3 pieces of red pepper, puree
• 5 leaves of kaffir lime are still fresh
• 250 grams of roasted peanuts, peel the skin and then puree
• 500 ml coconut milk made from ½ coconut
• 50 grams of brown sugar, a fine comb
• 3 tablespoons of tamarind water
• 1 teaspoon of fine salt

How to make Gado Gado:
1. First, heat the oil to taste, start to fry the tofu until cooked until the skin is dry then lift and drain.
2. Next start to fry tempe, fried until cooked marked with the color change to brownish. Remove and drain.
3. Tofu and tempe fried was cut thinly.
4. Brewed sprouts and cabbage using boiling water a few moments then drain.
5. Next is to make peanut spice. Heat oil 2 tablespoons, sauteed garlic, red peppers, and lime leaves until fragrant. Next put the ground nuts that have been mashed, add coconut milk, stir slowly until boiling then add brown sugar, fine salt, and water tamarind. Cook until brown sugar dissolves then lift.
6. The final step is serving the dish. Prepare a container or a serving place, arrange vegetables such as lettuce, tomato slices, cucumber slices, then pieces of tofu, tempe and boiled eggs. After that flush using peanut spice that you have made before. Serve immediately.

That was how to make Gado Gado which delicious using ingredients and processing methods are very easy. In addition to using the above ingredients, Gado Gado that you make can be added with lontong or pieces of boiled potatoes and boiled carrots. You can also add slices of fried onions as a topping ingredients to add flavor. Good luck!!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Indonesian Food Recipes: Mie Rebus Medan (Indonesian Boiled Noodles With Shrimp Gravy)

Medan is famous for culinary delicious and strong spices. One of famous culinary specialties from Medan is Mie Rebus Medan. Mie Rebus is a popular noodle dish in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Mie Rebus is also often called noodle soup.

In Indonesia, there are many sellers of Mie Rebus dishes on the roadside, even in every region in Indonesia there are always sellers of Mie Rebus. However, one of the famous Mie Rebus that is Mie Rebus Medan, where the cuisine is famous for its distinctive taste.

So there is no harm in trying to make your own Mie Rebus Medan dishes at home, because how to make Mie Rebus Medan is very easy. In addition, Mie Rebus Medan seasoning is easily obtained.

You can try the following recipe.

Ingredients and Seasonings:

• 500 grams of sticky noodle or wet yellow noodles, boiled and drained
• 100 grams of peanuts, fried and puree
• 500 grams of sweet potato / sweet potato yam, boiled until cooked and puree
• 2 bay leaves
• salt and sugar to taste
• 1 ounce of brown sugar, fine comb
• 1 tbsp of cornstarch, dissolve it with 3 tbsp of water
• 1 liter of water
• 1 lemongrass, crushed
• flavoring

Blend the following spices:

• 5 cloves of garlic
• 1 kencur segment
• 5 pieces of red pepper

Serving dishes:

• sliced cayenne pepper
• 3 leeks, sliced
• boiled eggs
• sprouts that have been boiled
• 5 celery sticks, sliced
• fried onions

How to make Mie Rebus Medan:

1. First, mix the spices with peanut, sweet potato, bay leaf and lemongrass.
2. Then we pour 1 liter of water and stir well. Cook until boiling, add brown sugar, salt and flavoring (if like), mix well.
3. Next, add cornstarch, stir well and cook until cooked, lift and set aside.
4. Prepare a serving plate, tatalah noodles and presentation materials. Then sprinkle leeks and celery leaves. Do not forget sirami with gravy.
5. Finally, sprinkle with fried onions.

Indonesian Food Recipes : Sate Madura

Looking for Sate Madura Recipe? Here it is. You can try the best recipe of Sate Madura you have ever made. The materials used are not too difficult to find. You can buy satay ingredients in the nearest market, because the ingredients are quite common and the price is cheap except for the meat for satay.

You can try the following recipe.


• Lime, split into 2 parts
• ½ kg of chicken meat
• Cut the chicken meat with a small box shape, because the size of sate madura
• Skewers
• White rice or lontong

Chili ingredients:

• 10 pieces of red pepper
• 4 grains of garlic
• Salt

Chili Soy Bean:

• Onion 3 cloves
• Garlic 4 cloves
• 150 grams of fried peanuts
• 2 btr of pecan
• 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
• 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce is used for later presentation
• 2 tsp brown sugar
• Salt to taste
• 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil

How to make Sate Madura:

1. To make peanut seasoning, puree garlic, pecan, peanut, onion and salt.
2. Heat the oil, then saute the spices fine. Saute until fragrant, be careful not to burn, added broth, cook again until thickened, then lift.
3. Mix 2 tablespoons peanut sauce and soy sauce 2 tablespoons, coat sate into the mixture, burn until ½ cooked, lift, coat again with spices, burn again until cooked.
4. Next make onion sauce typical sate madura, heat the oil and saute garlic. Garlic is sauteed ½ cooked only. Then puree salt, garlic and red pepper.
5. Last serve sate Madura with a complement of raw onion, sweet soy sauce, lemon, chilli sauce, lontong or white rice, and do not forget the peanut seasoning.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Indonesian Food Recipes : Soto Ayam (Indonesian Chicken Noodle Soup)

Soto ayam is a very common food that can be encountered in the area of Java.

Soto ayam is a kind of chicken soup with the contents of soaps, bean sprouts, chicken egg slices, cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes. Soto ayam using turmeric spice so yellow sauce. Soto ayam can be eaten with white rice or sliced lontong.

You can serve Soto Ayam for your family. You can try the following recipe.

• 1/2 chicken
• 1 bay leaf
• 1 lemon grass that has been destroyed
• 1 lime
• 1 tomato fruit that has been cut
• 2 stalked onion leaves
• 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
• 1/2 teaspoon of pepper powder
• 1 pack of coconut milk
• Salt as needed
• Sugar as needed
• Boiled water as necessary

Softened seasoning:
• 6 cloves of red onion
• 4 cloves garlic
• 1 segment of ginger
• 2 pieces of candlenuts

How to make soto ayam:
1. First, stir the finer spices until fragrant. Enter the bay leaf and lemongrass.
2. Then input water, salt, pepper, coriander, sugar and lime juice as necessary. Stir everything until evenly and wait until it boils.
3. Then input the chicken and wait until the chicken becomes tender, and then input coconut milk. Stir back until evenly and thickened.
4. Mix the tomatoes and spring onions into them. Stir again until completely blended.
5. Well, if it feels the chicken is soft, turn off the stove and ready to serve.
6. For complementary material sprinkle over it.

Indonesian Food Recipes: Sate Taichan

Satay is one of the country's most popular Indonesian dishes. The most hits in the culinary world at the end of 2016 yesterday was Sate Taichan. Unlike the other satay, Sate Taichan is not using peanut or soy sauce as a complement. But a kind of sambal with spicy and fresh flavors.

You can learn to make Sate Taichan at home.You can try the following recipes.

• 2 pieces of chicken breast, diced
• 2 tsp pepper powder
• 2 tsp salt
• 2 pieces of lime
• Skewers

• 15 large red pepper
• 1 tomato
• 6 cloves of red onion
• 4 cloves garlic
• Salt
• Sugar

How to Make Sate Taichan:
1. Wash the chicken, diced. Then stick on the skewer.
2. Spread with lime juice, pepper and salt. Let stand for about 20 minutes.
3. Roast chicken with a small fire to mature evenly, back and forth so as not to burn.
4. Boil all spices until softened, then drain.
5. Puree all the spices and stir fry satay until fragrant.
6. Serve satay that has been baked with marinade.

Sate Taichan is really tasty eaten with hot rice. Let's try it at home. Umm yumm!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Indonesian Food Recipes: Chicken Betutu Gilimanuk

Talking about Indonesia, there is much to be discuss starting from natural resources, diverse cultures, different languages, to the most interesting is the culinary.

Indonesia is known as one of the countries that have a variety of special foods with flavors that can make anyone like it. Examples such as Rendang from Padang, satay Madura, and Fried Rice that made it into the order of the top ten most delicious food in the world. But does Indonesia only have rendang, satay and fried rice?

Of course not, considering we have an island with hundreds of thousands and different population of tribe or culture, making Indonesian cuisine also become very diverse, and unique not all food we eat in one area can be found in other area. This is because each region certainly has not only its own language and culture but also its own unique food.

Variants of the food menu is necessary to improve the appetite. One of the delicious culinary delights in Bali, you should try. Recipes chicken betutu gilimanuk could be a reference menu cooking at home. This Balinese cuisine has a delicacy in every mouthful. Chicken is gently processed and mixed with a spice of choice, capable of causing the sensation of culinary pleasures that so felt. The taste is so delicious can be a daily diet.

Nothing wrong for you to try to bring serving chicken betutu gilimanuk as family food menu. In addition to delicious, this menu is also quite healthy because it meets the protein needed by the body. You can try the following recipes.


• 1 chicken tail divided into 4 parts
• 1 tsp lemon
• Salt 1 tsp
• 3 tsps of cooking oil
• 500 ml of water
• 6 cloves of thinly sliced garlic
• 10 grains of thinly sliced red onion
• 15 pieces of curly red chili thinly sliced
• 5 cm turmeric
• 2 cm kencur
• 4 cm shredded ginger
• 5 cm shredded galangal
• 1 ½ tsp of burnt shrimp paste
• 1 teaspoon pepper
• 2 tsp salt
• 1 tsp coriander
• 1 tsp sugar
• 4 stalks of lemongrass taken white, thinly sliced
• 5 orange leaves

How to Make Chicken Betutu Gilimanuk:

1. Wash off every chicken part.
2. Next, coat the chicken with salt and lime. Let stand for 15 minutes.
3. Heat cooking oil and stir-fry all the sliced and shredded condiments. Wait until cooked and smell nice.
4. Coat the chicken with seasoning that has been pan-fried evenly, while poking the chicken with a fork to spice up.
5. Add the seasoned chicken to the pan. Pour 500 ml of water and cook until the water remains slightly and chicken meat was overcooked and soft.
6. Serve with chili sauce and add fried onions.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Guilty Crown Anime Review, Indeed One of The Best Anime in 2011

Hello anime lovers !! Welcome with another review with me !!
This time we will discuss an exciting anime that themed action, mecha and super power that is Guilty Crown. Guilty Crown is indeed one of the best anime in 2011 yesterday, so do not be surprised if many of you who have been watching this anime. Well, let us review about Guilty Crown.

Guilty Crown is an anime series by Hiroyuiki Yoshino and directed by Tersuro Araki which released on Octber 2011 with 22 episodes.

This anime tells about Ouma Shu asa high school student that living in Tokyo in 2039. Where at that time, Japan was hit by Apocalypse virus that happened because of incident 10 years ago called Lost Christmas. And Japan is also under the supervision of GHQ which also took over the government. Shu who is a student who is not sociable, his life began to change when he met Yuzuriha Inori, an Egoist band vocalist who was also a member of Terrorist Undertaker. Inori assigned to bring the Void Genome tube to hand over to Tsutsugami Gai, the organizers leader, hiding in Shu's favorite spot at his school.But when Inori is in hiding, she is caught by GHQ in front of Shu's eyes. Shu who can not just let her go to save her and meet Gai and her friends. Shu was involved in a battle in the city with GHQ. And when Shu wants to save Inori who was shot.

But it turns out the shot is hit Void Genome that Shu was carrying. The rupture of Void Genome tube causes Shu to be exposed to radiation and makes Shu have the power to use Void, a weapon embodied in every human being whose form is the embodiment of that person's day and personality. Shu, who saw for himself that GHQ supervised Apocalypse virus by discrimination, intimidation and violence and knowing other purposes of GHQ, eventually joined with Undertaker and resolved against GHQ and rescued Japan.

Well, for you who are curious to know the next story, follow its story only in Guilty Crown !!

This autumn anime of 2011 became one of the prominent titles of its time. Not just because of the really cool animations made in studio Production I.G., but also because of the character designs handled by Redjuice; as well as opening, closing, and insert songs handled by famous pop band Supercell.

In terms of graphics, Guilty Crown is worth to thumbs up, impressions that are presented really smooth with its stunning effects. The story is interesting and full of challenges and tense, the story line is quite difficult to guess where in Guilty Crown the characters who play a life so as to make the story in serving flowing.

Unfortunately, Guilty Crown has a story that is quite heavy so it is rather difficult to understand, it takes thinking hard enough to understand what is actually told in this anime. In addition, the ending is not as bright as previous episodes so impressed hanging.

But it never hurts to watch this one anime, for you anime lovers should not miss Guilty Crown.
You have to watch, definitely exciting!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Charlotte Anime Review

Hey guys !! Today we are going to review anime entitled Charlotte.
Charlotte is a Japanese television anime series written by Jun Maeda produced by P.A.Works and Aniplex and directed by Yoshiyuki Asai. This anime released in Japan between July 5 and September 27, 2015.

This anime is already far predicted by the audience will be booming, perhaps because of this anime story writer is Jun Maeda.
Charlotte tells about a group of children who have a unique super powers, like disappeared, fly, control the time and others. Yuu Otosaka, a child who has the ability to take over another person's body for 5 seconds, intends to use his power to live a high school life with ease. However, he was caught by Nao Tomori and forced to move to Hoshinoumi Academy, where he and other council members have to help students who have difficulty controlling their ability.

Like Plastic Memories, the use of the name "Charlotte" in the title is very unique, and gives a mysterious aura that surrounds this anime. Moreover, the name "Charlotte" there is no connection with the name of a character or a synopsis. This factor successfully entrapped anyone who was curious (including me) to follow this series until the mystery about the name was answered.

Almost all works of P.A Works have high-level image quality. Each scene brought a remarkable admiration. Every little detail in the picture with great amaze, for example stars or comets that we often see in this anime I think is very cool. The scenery and background of Charlotte is also very fascinating and I admit that this studio always gives art that never disappoint in every of its work.

Jun Maeda also plays a role in the cultivation of music and backsound of this anime. And the result, quite satisfactory. Her opening entitled "Bravely You" was sung by Lia. The fitting lyric, the sound of the distinctive Lia is a perfect mix. Then, ending entitled "Yake Ochinai Tsubasa" was sung by Aoi Tada. This is the best ending in Summer season 2015. This ending makes me always not willing to leave this anime whenever I finished watching it. And the video from the ending is simple, just blend the image with the theme of Nao with a beautiful sprinkling of stars in it. In this anime itself there are many Insert songs as sung by ZHIEND idol band from Nao. And the idol of this anime, Yusarin and her sister, Misa singing some insert song and ending on episodes 3 and 4.

Unfortunately there is no season 2 of this anime. With 13 episodes, for me still not enough for this one anime. The story of each person who has different powers, makes this story interesting. The story is also dramatic and emotional, even I was carried away emotion when watching this anime, because many scenes are so touching.

The story in Charlotte actually has a huge potential, the ending in this anime seems unremarkable and over-imposed.There is no typical climactic moment in the last episode, or touching moments like ending Angel Beats (anime often associated with Charlotte). Or is it because we were too hopeful that Charlotte would be anime feels like Angel Beats that has ending could make the audience burst into tears? May be. In other words, Charlotte failed to give the ending as expected because of excessive expectations imposed on this anime from the beginning.

Read Also : Anime Review: Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (Assassination Classroom)

The main factor that makes Charlotte associated with Angel Beats is because of the same writers and studios, Jun Maeda and P.A Works. Since the first announcement of the animation, anime lovers have begun to make expectations that Charlotte will become anime with epic story and can make the audience ride on the roller coaster feels. When the animation was aired, scenes like the past of Nao and her brother, the death of Ayumi, Yu who went crazy, the actual events told by Shunsuke, and Kumagami's death became epic moments that made anime lovers hope that the ending would be the most epic moment in this anime, beyond the moments mentioned earlier.

But what happened? No epic moments occurred in the last episode. The last episode seemed flat. There is not even an exciting fight scene. In addition, Yu who lost his memory did not remember about Nao. Gone are the hopes of anime lovers who expect a romantic scene in the reunion of these two characters.

Apart from that, Charlotte has enough qualities to be called as one of the best anime in 2015. But is it worth mentioning as the best? Probably not.

Clearly, Charlotte is a very worthy anime to watch. I also do not hesitate to recommend it to you who have not watched it. However I will remind you not to expect a memorable ending or romantic heart-warming scene of this anime.

This anime is perfect for the story lovers written by Jun Maeda and you can compare it with some anime that written by Jun. This anime can be an interesting recommendation and spectacle.

Title Charlotte
Genre Drama, Comedy, School, Super Power
Producers P.A. Works

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Anime Reviews : Kuroko No Basuke

Ever heard Kuroko No Basuke?
If not, it looks like you have to watch this anime !!

Image Source:
An anime by Tadatoshi Fujimaki themed basketball sport adapted from his well-known Manga, with an anime name that is made similar to his manga that is Kuroko no Basuke.

Kuroko no Basuke is the first season released in April 2012, the second season released in October 2013 and the third season released in January 2015. There are 75 episodes in this anime divided into three seasons, each season with 25 episodes of video.

This anime tells the story of the basketball team. Teikou Junior high school basketball team is a team that won three consecutive years because of the five great players, with their amazing and unique abilities. However, after graduating from junior high school, this teammate, known as the "Miracle Generation" split up and now considers each other as a rival.

The storyline of Kuroko no Basuke is not about Teikou Junior High School, but Seirin Senior High School basketball team and discussed is not just the 5 of Miracle Generation player but more about the 6th generation of Miracle Generation, Kuroko Tetsuya who will join Seirin Senior High School basketball team.

Kuroko no Basuke is an exciting sport anime to watch. The audience will be invited to enjoy the thrill of their basketball match.
The storyline of this anime is interesting because all the explanations are simple, starting from the high school basketball team that will compete, the main characters and even the support. Art of this anime's characters are quite good and not rigid, although have to move fast and agile during the match.

For coloring slightly pungent but is also suitable for character and place background.

The startling story begins with an unusual main character, a rather unique narrative perspective, to an unpredictable storyline. A fast tempo and the focus of the story also was very cool to be enjoyed. When compared with Slam Dunk, in terms of graphics Kuroko No Basuke is better and it is a necessity because with advances in technology is no reason to lose the image quality with anime 90s like Slam Dunk. In terms of stories, both have different points as well as more points. But if Slam Dunk is too broad and too detailed, Kuroko No Basuke is more efficient so the tempo is faster. Although in terms of skill and games there is excessive, but the packaging of a neat graphic display makes us unconscious and seen can be practiced, but it is not possible such as copying skills, shots 3 points from a very long distance and others, it's just the packaging of the display makes me not too concerned about it. Overall, this anime is really cool.

In essence, this anime is exciting, maybe more exciting than other basketball anime. The depiction of the character is also cool, especially with hair colors that is too flashy in every champion. So, without the introduction of each character, I think you will immediately know which players have greatness above average, can be seen from hair colors, the most striking color, it means he has the best skill.

Well, share this post if you like and want to share to your friends. Give your comment in the comments field if you have any criticism or suggestion for this blog. Hopefully this article will be useful for others who have never watched Kuroko no Basuke. Because personally, before downloading anime, I often seek information first about the anime that I will watch. For example by searching and reading reviews or synopsis of anime related.

Thank you very much for you who have read this post and see you in the next review.

Title Kuroko no Basuke
Genre Comedy, Drama, Shounen, Sports
Producers Production I.G